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13 April 2007

Upgraded Internet connection

The date April 2nd 2007 that is the official date (the actual date was April 3rd) where my Internet connection got upgraded from a 6 mbit / 256 kbit to a much faster connection with a speed up to 20 mbit / 2 mbit (avg speed 16 mbit / 1.8 mbit). It is really a pleasure having such an Internet connection. I just downloaded data with the size of two CD's (approx. 1.2 Gb) , which just took ten minutes.

A God really exists! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Jess, det lyder virkelig fedt :O Hvad kostede det dig?

15 April, 2007 21:48  
Blogger jessn said...

Du kan se priserne på nedenstående URL her:

Her er en snippet fra deres hjemmeside:

20 Mbit / 1024 kbit/s upload
for 399 kr. / måned.

Mulighed for op til 2048 kbit/s i upload for kun op til 60 kr/md ekstra.

Fast IP-adresse inkluderet gratis.

21 June, 2007 08:50  

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